Thursday, October 14, 2010



For today's blog, list one or two ways you think a society's culture might affect its modes of transportation. Think about, for example, the fact that public transportation options in the United States are not as popular as they are in Europe. What might be some reasons for this? (Feel free to answer either or both of these questions:)


  1. A society's culture could affect its modes of transportation because a society could be spread out and it could have less public transport because it would be harder to pay for more rails and busses. A property-centered culture would want to own cars and go anywhere.

  2. One way a societies culture may affect its modes of transportation is if they don't believe in using technology like the Amish people. They don't use cars. They use buggys or horses. Some reasons are their religion and the way they may have been raised.
    -Quintina J.

  3. Some modes of transportation in USA might not be popular in Europe because of time, money.

  4. A society's culture could feel that it's more important to spend moeny on other things, rather than transportation. So, they could spend less money for transportation, like cars, buses, or trains.

  5. one way that it might be effected is the way that they view the world and how much they respect the world that they live in


  6. A society's culture could feel that it's more important to spend moeny on other things, rather than transportation. So, they could spend less money for transportation, like cars, buses, or trains.
    - Sara Thompson

  7. I think the reason that Europe has more public transportation because they are more collaborative and close together today while United States is mroe spread out so public transportation is less popular.

    Xavier Aicholtz
    Xeff Alpha

  8. Because Europe is smaller and more compacted into cities, while the US has more spread out population.

  9. Micaela Johnson'sonsOctober 15, 2010 at 5:25 AM

    A society's culture, religion etc. could effect their modes of transportation. Society's that religion does not believe in technology would walk, or use a horse as their transportation. A society with a higher income may have the fancy sports cars.

  10. In the U.S. where privacy, style and customization is important. So where cars are reflected because they have a certain style with add on features. I think it depends on the way people need to move around in a single cutlure.

  11. Jeremy Bonjovy Mycilile J. McCabeOctober 15, 2010 at 5:33 AM

    Society's culture might affect the modes of transportation because a culture like the Amish will use older technology then people who are not Amish. For people who believe that they should share every thing in the community they might use public transportation while some one who keeps to his/her self would use a more one person transportation

  12. Because Americans put more value on appearance (Cameros, Mustangs ((Cameros are better)), etc.) while Europeans tend to care more about conveniance... I think that's it anyway...

  13. the wealth, ideals, and economy can all affect the mode of transportation.

  14. In lots of places in the U.S. public transportation is looked down apon because it is sterotyped as being full of hobos

  15. The reason that public transportation is more popular in the UK is because of the higher concentration of people per square mile ,so ,like NY, they can get places faster and cheaper on public transit.

    JJ the Jet Plane

  16. I think that societies culture has changed a whole lot because of the way that people live. The trend nowadays is to get a car and drive it aorund. But in China, they get scooters in some parts, maybe that is their trend. - Jonathan Gillis

  17. Akeru D.- Two ways a society affects the transportation found in it is that societies with a higher standard of living will probably have more public transportation. A country that does regard environmental effects of transportation is also more likely to have public transportation.

  18. Because Americans put more value on appearance

    while Europeans tend to care more about conveniance

  19. It is because the U.S. is based on excess. We want to have more than everyone else. Public transit is based on not using or having.

  20. Economies with lots of wealth probably have less forms of public transportation because people can afford thier own forms of transportation. If an economy has lots of people in a small amount of space (like London r even NYC) public transportation is more popular (hence the Tube, double-decker buses and the New York Subway system).

  21. Basically like transprotation has a big part in our lives. W/o cars, plans, bikes, or even trolly. We would all go crazy.

  22. more options in europe and we as americans are more lazy

  23. The reasons for U.S. public transporation is not as popular as Europe. Because their transporation in Europe has a better environment on the public transporation and people walk or ride bikes to alot of places in Europe. -Tiara W

  24. Culture may affect transportation in many ways. maybe religion could affect if you se mass ranit or if you ride in cars. Amish epople dont use always use cars for everything like regulr americans do. Some familys may have traitions for riding bikes or walking everywhere.

    Chelsea Bradshaw

  25. We need transportatin. without it life would be bad. it affects everyone around the world.

    Mariah Moss

  26. Here in the US, we value independence. Because of that, we don't want to have to rely on public transportation because of how that might make us look to other people. In Britain, they don't really care what other people think, so they feel like they can ride a bus to work without feeling self-conscious.

    -Indy Long

  27. Well..... A lot of people live together in Europe, in effect the people dont like to wast space on the rodes for extra cars. Another reason is that public transportation is good is that it is sometimes easyer to be taken somwhere rather than driving.


  28. Ok so its like if ssomeone is like amish or doesnt beleive in cars or something then that can change the transportation to a horse and buggy thing!

    Taylor Adduci<3

  29. One major thing that would affect a society's transportation is its weatlh. This affects whether or not they are able to afford larger forms of transportation, such as a large train line of highway system.

    Also, a society's religion might determine which mode of transportation they use. Some religions might discourage the use of certain transportation, such as Amish Christians, who discourage cars and other more technologically advanced forms of transportation.

  30. i think because the cars are not as popular in US

  31. If they have a lot of money they will most likely have a lower dollar value because everything they buy is so expensive.

  32. Possibly because, of the different religions in different countries.

  33. i think that we are selfish and less trusting than in bigger areas like london were they are building in community

  34. I think that the people in Europe are more socialble than Americans.

  35. I think that if a country has a high GDP then the people will have more cars. But, if a country has a low GDP then they will use public transportation more.

    Taylor B

  36. I think that if a low GDP then the people will not have alot of cars. Those types of countries also probably don't have a lot of alternative ways of traveling.

    Taylor Mills

  37. Europe is closer together and citties were built along railways so the rail systems became more popular and then other public transportation followed in the rail's footsteps

  38. Different cultures have different types of transportation. For example, European countries use cars, bikes, and public transportation. However, they use bikes or just walk a lot more than Americans. China and Japan also use bikes more often than America.

    ~*Sam M.

  39. The amount of money that we have.
